Google Panda 4.0: Race against low-quality web pages

What is Google Panda?

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Google’s Panda Update is an algorithm change that aims to prevent websites with poor quality content from ranking into the top of Search engine results pages (SERPs). from working their way into Google’s top search results. The first Panda update occurred in 2011 and continues still with different versions of the update made from time to time.

What it means to the Site owners / Web masters?

Panda update is like a quality test that every website needs to undergo and successfully pass the test before they have any chance of ranking high on the Search engines. Major impact on those websites that are employing spam or black hat tactics to influence search engine rankings. Scraper sites and content farms were typically affected due to this update.

Whats new about this latest Panda 4.0 update?

The latest impact of this update is completely not known. However, many of the low quality web pages are getting penalized due to thin content, copying content from others and with very little original content. Content farms act as a aggregation of content from multiple website sources and usually these content farm websites do not themselves produce any content on their own. Syndicated content poses a great risk to a website if it is not done well.

Challenge to the Search engine optimization professionals

While Google as a major search engine needs to do what it has to do to maintain great user experience to searchers and keep clean results, at the same time, even a slight update on the algorithm affect thousands of web pages drastically where the traffic from organic search keywords loses upto 60%. This is a concern and challenge to the entire SEO community. Google can step up and upgrade their webmaster central tools to fore warn websites well in advance and provide an opportunity to rectify the mistakes before its too late. This will be a great help to the Clients as well.

How to recover from Google Panda penalty?

There are several approaches and best practices to recover from a Google Panda 4.0 penalty. One of the critical step is to constantly monitor webmaster central data along with Google analytics search traffic data. Watch out for any fluctuations in terms of huge drop in traffic. If you are sure that the website has been hit by a Panda update, then reviewing SEO activities both on-page and off-page for past 2-3 weeks would help in finding a right solution.

The Performetris Digital: Panda Recovery Experts

It takes considerable amount of time, patience and skill to identify and mitigate the risks and successfully recover the lost rankings, traffic and sales. You can contact us to learn more about how we can help with the Google penalty recovery services.