How to create a Google / Bing PPC campaign for technical support?

Both Google and Bing AdCenter have introduced a lot of changes to their ad polices for using branded keywords/phrases in ad copies. Keywords/phrases such as HP, McAfee, Facebook, Norton, Yahoo, Facebook, etc., are getting affected. Specifically, Bing AdCenter Policy Changes for running Technical Support PPC Campaigns (18 November 2015):
  • Advertisers offering services or otherwise promoting a third-party product may not claim affiliation with the owner or manufacturer of the product when no such relationship exists.
  • Advertisers must be accurate when describing their relationship with the owner of a product or service (for example if they are authorized distributors).
  • Brands, logos, etc., may not be used deceptively, either in ad copy or website, in a way that tends to suggest that the site, product or service is owned, managed, promoted or endorsed by the owner of the product or service, unless a qualified relationship exists (parent-affiliate, certified partners, authorized resellers, etc.).
How to Run a PPC Campaign without violating Search engine's policies
  • Avoid doing any text manipulations that are against the policies
  • Use disclaimer on the campaign landing page
  • Provide credits to the original brands
  • Display physical address of the advertising company on the landing page
  • Create a structured campaign with highly targeted keyword set that are matching with the landing page
  • Avoid using Dynamic Keyword Insertion (DKI)
Google Adwords Prohibited Content Guidelines Google Adwords have published their requirements for advertising on the Google Network. Four broad categories for content policies are: Prohibited content, Prohibited practices, Restricted content and Editorial and technical. Bing AdCenter's Disallowed Content Guidelines Learn more about the Disallowed Content Guidelines provided by Bing Adcenter and adjust your campaign accordingly. Need Help? Want to know more? Contact us today to evaluate your pay-per-click (ppc) campaign for technical support and provide you with valuable insights to achieve maximum campaign ROI.