
Digital Marketing + SEO For Banking (BFSI) Industry In an increasing competitive market, most of the banks are waking upto the digital media advertising in reaching out to the prospective customer. Today, customers are connected across globe and ready to share their experience with one another. An effective digital media strategy is required not only to…

Digital Marketing + SEO For Banking (BFSI) Industry

In an increasing competitive market, most of the banks are waking upto the digital media advertising in reaching out to the prospective customer. Today, customers are connected across globe and ready to share their experience with one another. An effective digital media strategy is required not only to create positive experience for the new customer but also manage current perceptions for the existing customers.

Role of Digital Marketing in the Banking Industry

Top financial services firms such as American Express, Citi Bank, Visa have already implemented several key digital media strategies to provide updates on the new products, technical support, product assurance, and customer service using new media tools such as social media, seo, blogs, communities and so on.

Community websites like Twitter, Facebook are a preferred vehicle for customer relationship building and acts as hubs for innovative financial services.

SEO Tips and Best Practices in the Banking and Financial Markets

  • Create search engine-friendly URLs
  • LSI based Home Page Text
  • Semantic Title and Meta Tags
  • Avoid duplicate and copied contents
  • Use descriptive ‘alt tags’ and ‘title’ tags for images
  • Effective linking: Use descriptive anchor text in links
  • Optimize Robots.txt file to block low-quality pages
  • Redirect with 301 redirects for broken links
  • Increase page speed and minimize page size
  • On-going Maintenance and regular updates related to banking industry

Banking Industry Keywords: Top Keywords for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) & Pay-Per Click (PPC)

Most popular keywords for online Banking websites can be generated by Google Adwords in-built Keyword planner tool. Keywords such as: personal banking, personal banking services, banking services, personal finance banking, wholesale banking, personal financial services, personal banking india, online banking, internet banking, online banking services, online mobile banking, ,loans india, compare insurance online, apply credit cards, buy stocks, investment ideas, online tax filing, demat trading, and several other banking products.

The Performetris Digital’s Banking Products Marketing Experts

Looking for a digital marketing partner to build, optimize, promote and acquire new customers for your business? We’d love to hear from you. We offer a a free digital audit report for your website to understand the current status and missing opportunities.

Get in touch with one of our Experts for a Digital Audit report, or to discuss your online marketing plan!

Performetris Digital is a world-class dynamic Organic SEO/Paid Search/Social Media Company in India